Intermediate Quarto: Parameterized Reports Workshop

Friday June 21, 2024

1:30 - 4:30 PM

Room C123A

The Intro Quarto workshop takes you through the basics of authoring a reproducible report using Quarto. This workshop builds on those concepts and teaches you how to level up your reproducible reports by using parameters, conditional content, conditional code execution, and custom styling sheets for HTML and Microsoft Word formats. Additionally, you will learn how to render all variations of a parameterized report at once using quarto and purrr.

Knowledge Prerequisites: The workshop is designed for those with some experience in R and R Markdown or Quarto. It will be assumed that participants can perform basic data manipulation and visualization. Experience with the tidyverse, especially purrr and the pipe operator, is a major plus, but is not required.

Pre-Installations: Recent version of R, RStudio, and Quarto CLI. Packages used in exercises include dplyr, fs, ggplot2, here, janitor, knitr, lubridate, plotly, purrr, quarto, readr, rmarkdown, stringr, and tidyr.

install.packages(c("dplyr", "fs", "ggplot2", "here", "janitor", "knitr", 
                   "lubridate", "plotly", "purrr", "quarto", "readr", 
                   "rmarkdown", "stringr", "tidyr"))


Jadey Ryan headshot

Jadey Ryan

Pronouns: She/her/hers

Location: Tacoma, Washington

Jadey Ryan is a self-taught R enthusiast working in environmental data science in the Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences section of the Washington State Department of Agriculture. She is obsessed with cats, nature, R, and Quarto.

Learn more at